I Want to Upgrade from Ionic v3.9.2 to Ionic v7: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Jilleen - hkhazo.biz.id

I Want to Upgrade from Ionic v3.9.2 to Ionic v7: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of using an outdated version of Ionic and wanting to take advantage of the latest features and improvements? Look no further! Upgrading from Ionic v3.9.2 to Ionic v7 can seem like a daunting task, but fear not, dear developer, for this article will guide you through the process with ease.

Before We Begin: Preparing for the Upgrade

Before we dive into the upgrade process, make sure you’ve taken care of the following:

  • Backup your project: This is crucial! Make sure you have a backup of your project files and database in case something goes wrong during the upgrade process.

  • Check your project dependencies: Ensure that all your project dependencies are up-to-date and compatible with Ionic v7.

  • Update your Node.js and npm versions: Ionic v7 requires Node.js 14.17.0 or higher and npm 6.14.13 or higher.

Step 1: Update Ionic CLI

First things first, we need to update the Ionic CLI to the latest version. Run the following command in your terminal:

npm install -g @ionic/cli@latest

Once the installation is complete, verify the Ionic CLI version by running:

ionic --version

You should see the latest version of the Ionic CLI.

Step 2: Update Ionic Framework

Now, let’s update the Ionic framework to v7. Run the following command in your project directory:

npm install @ionic/angular@latest

This command will update the Ionic Angular package to the latest version.

Step 3: Update Angular Version

Ionic v7 requires Angular 15 or higher. Run the following command to update Angular:

ng update @angular/core@15 @angular/common@15

This command will update the Angular core and common packages to version 15.

Step 4: Update TypeScript Version

Ionic v7 requires TypeScript 4.3 or higher. Run the following command to update TypeScript:

npm install typescript@latest

This command will update TypeScript to the latest version.

Step 5: Update Project Dependencies

Now that we’ve updated the Ionic framework, Angular, and TypeScript, let’s update the project dependencies. Run the following command:

npm update

This command will update all project dependencies to their latest versions.

Step 6: Update App Module

Open the `app.module.ts` file and update the imports to use the new Ionic v7 modules:

<import> { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { IonicModule } from '@ionic/angular';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  entryComponents: [],
  imports: [
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}

Notice the changes in the imports and the use of `IonicModule.forRoot()`.

Step 7: Update App Component

Open the `app.component.ts` file and update the template to use the new Ionic v7 components:

<import> { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: '<ion-app><ion-router-outlet></ion-router-outlet></ion-app>'
export class AppComponent {}

Notice the use of the new `ion-app` and `ion-router-outlet` components.

Step 8: Update HTML Files

Update all HTML files to use the new Ionic v7 components. For example, update the `home.html` file to:


Notice the use of the new `ion-header` and `ion-content` components.

Step 9: Test the App

Finally, let’s test the app to ensure everything is working as expected. Run the following command:

ionic serve

This command will start the app in development mode. Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8100 to see the app in action.

Common Issues and Solutions

During the upgrade process, you may encounter some common issues. Here are some solutions to help you overcome them:

Issue Solution
Error: Cannot find module ‘ionic-angular’ Run npm install @ionic/angular@latest to update the Ionic Angular package.
Error: Cannot find module ‘@angular/core’ Run ng update @angular/core@15 @angular/common@15 to update Angular.
Error: TypeScript 3.9.7 is not compatible with Ionic v7 Run npm install typescript@latest to update TypeScript.


Upgrading from Ionic v3.9.2 to Ionic v7 requires some effort, but with this guide, you should be able to do it with ease. Remember to backup your project, update your Node.js and npm versions, and follow the steps carefully. If you encounter any issues, refer to the common issues and solutions section. Happy coding!

With Ionic v7, you’ll be able to take advantage of the latest features and improvements, including improved performance, new components, and better support for PWA’s. Don’t wait any longer, upgrade your Ionic app today and start building amazing things!

Final Checklist

Before you go, make sure you’ve completed the following:

  1. Backup your project

  2. Update Ionic CLI

  3. Update Ionic framework

  4. Update Angular version

  5. Update TypeScript version

  6. Update project dependencies

  7. Update app module

  8. Update app component

  9. Update HTML files

  10. Test the app

That’s it! You’ve successfully upgraded from Ionic v3.9.2 to Ionic v7. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Upgrading from Ionic v3.9.2 to Ionic v7 can be a daunting task, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you navigate this upgrade.

What are the major changes I need to be aware of when upgrading to Ionic v7?

Ionic v7 introduces several breaking changes, including the removal of Ionic Angular, the introduction of standalone Angular and React versions, and significant updates to the component library. Be prepared to refactor your code and adapt to the new architecture.

How do I handle the removal of Ionic Angular in Ionic v7?

Since Ionic Angular is no longer included, you’ll need to migrate your project to use standalone Angular and Ionic’s web components. This will require updates to your project structure, component imports, and potentially even your build process.

What about my existing plugins and dependencies – will they still work in Ionic v7?

Some plugins and dependencies might require updates to be compatible with Ionic v7. Be sure to check the plugin maintainers’ documentation and update your dependencies accordingly. You may also need to refactor your code to accommodate changes in the plugin APIs.

How do I deal with the updated component library in Ionic v7?

The component library has undergone significant changes in Ionic v7. You’ll need to review the new component APIs and update your code to utilize the new components and their properties. This might require rewriting some of your UI components and layouts.

What kind of support can I expect during the upgrade process?

The Ionic community and official documentation are valuable resources to help you navigate the upgrade process. You can also seek guidance from experienced developers and Ionic experts. Additionally, Ionic provides a comprehensive migration guide and upgrade tools to assist you in the process.

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