Unlocking the Power of ACF: Displaying Posts that Share a Common Value in a Custom Field
Image by Jilleen - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of ACF: Displaying Posts that Share a Common Value in a Custom Field

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If you’re using Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) to add custom functionality to your WordPress site, you’re likely already aware of the incredible flexibility and power it provides. But did you know that you can take your ACF game to the next level by displaying posts that share a common value in a custom field? In this article, we’ll dive into the world of ACF and explore how to achieve this often-requested feature.

The Problem: Finding Posts with a Common Value

Imagine you’re building a real estate website, and you want to display all properties that are located in a specific city. Or, picture a blog that showcases recipes, and you want to show all recipes that use a particular ingredient. In both cases, you need a way to find and display posts that share a common value in an ACF custom field.

The good news is that ACF provides a robust set of tools to help you achieve this. The not-so-good news is that the process can be a bit complex, especially for those new to ACF or WordPress development. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to break down the steps into easy-to-follow instructions.

The Solution: Using ACF’s `meta_query` Argument

The magic happens with ACF’s `meta_query` argument, which allows you to filter posts based on custom field values. To display posts that share a common value in an ACF custom field, you’ll need to create a custom WP_Query instance that utilizes the `meta_query` argument.

$args = array(
    'post_type' => 'your_post_type',
    'posts_per_page' => -1,
    'meta_query' => array(
            'key' => 'your_acf_field_name',
            'value' => 'desired_common_value',
            'compare' => '='

$query = new WP_Query( $args );

if ( $query->have_posts() ) :
    while ( $query->have_posts() ) :
        // Your markup and content goes here

In the code above, we’re creating a custom WP_Query instance that targets the `your_post_type` post type. The `meta_query` argument is an array that contains a single array element, which defines the custom field we want to filter by (`your_acf_field_name`), the value we’re looking for (`desired_common_value`), and the comparison operator (`=`).

Breaking Down the `meta_query` Argument

The `meta_query` argument is a powerful tool that allows you to filter posts based on custom field values. Let’s break down its components:

  • key: The name of the ACF custom field you want to filter by.
  • value: The value you’re looking for in the custom field.
  • compare: The comparison operator to use when filtering. Common operators include `=`, `!=`, `>`, `<`, `IN`, and `NOT IN`.
  • type: The data type of the custom field value. This is optional, but can be useful when working with dates or numeric values.

Advanced `meta_query` Usage

In some cases, you might need to filter posts based on multiple custom field values or use more complex logic. This is where the `meta_query` argument’s advanced features come into play:

$args = array(
    'post_type' => 'your_post_type',
    'posts_per_page' => -1,
    'meta_query' => array(
        'relation' => 'OR',
            'key' => 'acf_field_1',
            'value' => 'value_1',
            'compare' => '='
            'key' => 'acf_field_2',
            'value' => 'value_2',
            'compare' => '='

$query = new WP_Query( $args );

if ( $query->have_posts() ) :
    while ( $query->have_posts() ) :
        // Your markup and content goes here

In this example, we’re using the `relation` key to specify that we want to filter posts that match either of the two custom field values. This allows us to create more complex logic and filter posts based on multiple conditions.

ACF’s `get_posts` Function

Another approach to displaying posts that share a common value in an ACF custom field is to use ACF’s `get_posts` function. This function provides a more convenient way to query posts based on custom field values:

-posts = get_posts(array(
    'post_type' => 'your_post_type',
    'meta_key' => 'your_acf_field_name',
    'meta_value' => 'desired_common_value'

if ( $posts ) :
    foreach ( $posts as $post ) :
        setup_postdata( $post );
        // Your markup and content goes here

ACF’s `get_posts` function takes an array of arguments that define the query. In this case, we’re targeting the `your_post_type` post type, filtering by the `your_acf_field_name` custom field, and looking for posts with the `desired_common_value` value.

Troubleshooting and Optimization

When working with ACF and custom queries, it’s essential to consider performance and optimization. Here are some tips to help you troubleshoot and optimize your code:

  • Use efficient querying**: Avoid using `get_posts` or `WP_Query` instances with large result sets. Instead, use pagination and limit the number of posts per page.
  • Cache your queries**: Use WordPress’s built-in caching mechanisms, such as transients or cache plugins, to reduce the load on your database.
  • Optimize your database**: Ensure your database is properly indexed and optimized for querying custom fields.
  • Use ACF’s built-in caching**: ACF provides its own caching mechanism, which can significantly improve performance.


Displaying posts that share a common value in an ACF custom field is a powerful feature that can take your WordPress site to the next level. By using ACF’s `meta_query` argument or `get_posts` function, you can create custom queries that filter posts based on specific conditions.

Remember to consider performance and optimization when working with custom queries, and don’t be afraid to experiment and push the boundaries of what’s possible with ACF.

ACF Meta Query Cheatsheet
Key Description
key The name of the ACF custom field
value The value to filter by
compare The comparison operator (e.g., =, !=, >, <)
type The data type of the custom field value (optional)

Now that you’ve mastered the art of displaying posts with a common value in an ACF custom field, it’s time to take your WordPress site to new heights. Remember to stay curious, keep experimenting, and push the boundaries of what’s possible with ACF!

Happy coding, and see you in the next article!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your most pressing questions about displaying ACF fields with a common value!

How can I display ACF fields that have a common value?

You can use the `get_fields` function and loop through the results to find the common value. Then, use a conditional statement to display only the fields that match the common value.

What is the best approach to display ACF fields with a common value in a WordPress page?

Use a custom loop in your page template to retrieve the ACF fields and then use a `foreach` loop to display only the fields that have the common value.

Can I use ACF’s built-in functions to display fields with a common value?

Yes, you can use the `get_field_objects` function to retrieve an array of ACF fields and then use a `foreach` loop to display only the fields that have the common value.

How do I display ACF fields with a common value in a custom post type?

Use the `get_posts` function to retrieve an array of posts and then loop through the results to display only the ACF fields that have the common value.

What if I want to display ACF fields with a common value in a custom taxonomy term?

Use the `get_term_meta` function to retrieve the ACF fields for the taxonomy term and then loop through the results to display only the fields that have the common value.

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