Conquering the “Android Studio error – No value passed for parameter” Beast: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Conquering the “Android Studio error – No value passed for parameter” Beast: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Welcome, fellow Android developers! Have you ever encountered the frustrating “Android Studio error – No value passed for parameter” while trying to build your app? If so, you’re not alone! This pesky error can bring your development process to a grinding halt, leaving you scratching your head and wondering what went wrong. Fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got your back! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the most common causes and solutions to this error, ensuring you can get back to building that awesome app in no time.

What Does the Error Mean?

Before we dive into the solutions, it’s essential to understand what this error message is trying to tell us. The “No value passed for parameter” error typically occurs when Android Studio is unable to find a required parameter or value during the build process. This can happen due to various reasons, such as:

  • Mismatched or missing dependencies in the build.gradle file
  • Incorrect or missing configuration in the AndroidManifest.xml file
  • Typo or syntax error in the Java or Kotlin code
  • Corrupted or outdated Android Studio installation

Solution 1: Check Your build.gradle File

The build.gradle file is the heart of your Android project, and any mistakes in this file can lead to the “No value passed for parameter” error. Let’s go through some common issues and their fixes:

Missing or Mismatched Dependencies

Make sure you have the correct dependencies in your build.gradle file. Verify that you have the correct versions of the Android SDK and Gradle plugins. Here’s an example of a typical build.gradle file:

android {
    compileSdkVersion 29
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId ""
        minSdkVersion 21
        targetSdkVersion 29
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0"
    buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled false
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-project.txt'

dependencies {
    implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.2.0'
    implementation ''

Double-check that you have the correct versions of the dependencies and that they are properly formatted. You can try updating or downgrading the versions to see if it resolves the issue.

Typo or Syntax Error

A single typo or syntax error in the build.gradle file can cause the “No value passed for parameter” error. Review your file carefully and look for any mistakes. Check for:

  • Mismatched brackets or parentheses
  • Typo in variable or property names
  • Incorrectly formatted strings or lists

Use the Gradle syntax highlighting feature in Android Studio to help you identify any errors.

Solution 2: Inspect Your AndroidManifest.xml File

The AndroidManifest.xml file contains essential information about your app, such as permissions, activities, and services. A misconfigured or missing value in this file can lead to the “No value passed for parameter” error. Here are some common issues to check:

Mismatched or Missing Package Name

Verify that the package name in your AndroidManifest.xml file matches the package name in your build.gradle file. Ensure that the package name is correctly formatted and spelled.

<manifest xmlns:android=""

Incorrect or Missing Activity Declaration

Check that all activities, services, and receivers are properly declared in the AndroidManifest.xml file. Ensure that the activity names and intent-filters are correct and formatted correctly.

            <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

Solution 3: Review Your Java or Kotlin Code

Syntax errors or typos in your Java or Kotlin code can cause the “No value passed for parameter” error. Here are some common mistakes to look out for:

Typo or Syntax Error

Review your code for any syntax errors, typos, or incorrect variable names. Check for:

  • Mismatched brackets or parentheses
  • Typo in variable or method names
  • Incorrectly formatted strings or lists

Use the code highlighting feature in Android Studio to help you identify any errors.

Ensure that all variables are properly initialized and defined. Check for null or undefined variables that might be causing the error.

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    private TextView textView;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        textView = findViewById(; // Ensure textView is not null
        textView.setText("Hello World!");

Solution 4: Update or Reinstall Android Studio

Sometimes, the issue might be related to a corrupted or outdated Android Studio installation. Try:

Updating Android Studio

Check for any available updates in the Android Studio settings. Go to File > Settings > Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Updates.

Reinstalling Android Studio

If updating doesn’t work, try reinstalling Android Studio. This will ensure that you have a clean and fresh installation.

Solution 5: Clean and Rebuild Your Project

Sometimes, a simple clean and rebuild of your project can resolve the “No value passed for parameter” error. Try:

Cleaning Your Project

Go to Build > Clean Project to remove any temporary files and cache.

Rebuilding Your Project

Go to Build > Rebuild Project to recompile and rebuild your project.


The “Android Studio error – No value passed for parameter” can be a frustrating and daunting error to encounter. However, by following these step-by-step solutions, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue in no time. Remember to:

  • Check your build.gradle file for dependencies and syntax errors
  • Inspect your AndroidManifest.xml file for configuration errors
  • Review your Java or Kotlin code for syntax errors and typos
  • Update or reinstall Android Studio if necessary
  • Clean and rebuild your project to remove any temporary files and cache

By following these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to conquering the “No value passed for parameter” error and getting back to building that amazing app!

Causes Solutions
Mismatched or missing dependencies Check build.gradle file, update dependencies
Typo or syntax error in build.gradle file Review build.gradle file, fix syntax errors
Mismatched or missing package name Check AndroidManifest.xml file, ensure correct package name
Incorrect or missing activity declaration Check AndroidManifest.xml file, ensure correct activity declaration
Syntax error or typo in Java or Kotlin code Review code, fix syntax errors and typos
Corrupted or outdated Android Studio installation Update or reinstall Android Studio
Temporary files and cache Clean and rebuild project

Remember, debugging is an essential part of the development process. Don’t be discouraged by errors – use them as an opportunity to learn and improve your skills!

Here are 5 FAQs about Android Studio error “No value passed for parameter” with a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get rid of that pesky “No value passed for parameter” error in Android Studio once and for all!

What does the “No value passed for parameter” error even mean?

This error occurs when Android Studio is expecting a value for a parameter, but it’s not receiving one. It’s like showing up to a party without a gift – you gotta bring something to the table! In this case, the “something” is a value for the parameter.

How do I identify which parameter is causing the error?

Check the error message! Android Studio usually provides a hint about which parameter is missing a value. Look for the specific error message and it’ll point you in the right direction. If that doesn’t work, try checking your code line by line to see where the error is occurring.

What are some common reasons for the “No value passed for parameter” error?

This error can occur due to a variety of reasons, such as: forgetting to pass a required parameter, misspelling a parameter name, or not initializing a variable before using it. It’s like baking a cake without ingredients – you can’t just wing it!

How do I fix the “No value passed for parameter” error in my Android app?

Easy peasy! Just identify the parameter that’s missing a value, and then pass the required value. Make sure to check your code for any typos or missing initialization. If you’re still stuck, try cleaning and rebuilding your project or invalidating the cache and restarting Android Studio.

Can I prevent the “No value passed for parameter” error from happening in the first place?

Absolutely! To prevent this error, make sure to carefully read and follow the documentation for any APIs or methods you’re using. Pay attention to the required parameters and their data types. Additionally, use Android Studio’s built-in code completion and linting features to catch potential errors before they become a problem.

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