Unlocking the Mystery: Why BigQuery and GA4 Total Users Can’t Match
Image by Jilleen - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Mystery: Why BigQuery and GA4 Total Users Can’t Match

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Are you tired of scratching your head, wondering why the total users in BigQuery and GA4 don’t add up? You’re not alone! This common conundrum has puzzled many a Google Analytics enthusiast. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to demystify this enigma and provide you with actionable steps to troubleshoot and reconcile the discrepancy.

Understanding the Basics: BigQuery and GA4

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s quickly review the fundamentals of BigQuery and GA4.

BigQuery: A fully-managed enterprise data warehouse service that allows you to analyze all your data using SQL-like queries. It’s a powerful tool for data analysis, providing unparalleled scalability and flexibility.

GA4 (Google Analytics 4): The latest generation of Google Analytics, designed to provide a more unified, intuitive, and machine learning-driven approach to web and app analytics. GA4 offers improved cross-platform tracking, advanced predictive analytics, and a more streamlined user interface.

The Mysterious Discrepancy: Total Users in BigQuery vs. GA4

So, why do the total users in BigQuery and GA4 often fail to match? There are several reasons for this discrepancy, and we’ll explore each one in detail.

Reason 1: Data Processing and Latency

BigQuery and GA4 process data differently, which can lead to temporary discrepancies. BigQuery typically processes data in near real-time, while GA4 may take some time to process and update its reports. This latency can cause the total users in BigQuery to be higher than those in GA4, especially during periods of high traffic or sudden spikes in user activity.

To mitigate this issue:

  • Wait for a few hours to allow GA4 to catch up with the latest data.
  • Use BigQuery’s built-in DATE_TRUNC function to aggregate data by hour or day, reducing the impact of latency.

Reason 2: Data Scope and Filtering

Different data scopes and filtering rules in BigQuery and GA4 can also contribute to the discrepancy. BigQuery might include data from multiple sources, such as website, app, or offline data, while GA4 might be configured to filter out certain types of traffic or users.

To resolve this issue:

  1. Verify that your BigQuery dataset and GA4 property are configured to collect data from the same sources and scope.
  2. Check your GA4 filters and ensure they’re not excluding any legitimate users.
  3. Apply similar filtering rules in BigQuery using the FILTER clause to match the GA4 configuration.

The way BigQuery and GA4 identify and track users can also contribute to the discrepancy. BigQuery relies on user IDs, device IDs, or client IDs, while GA4 uses cookie-based tracking by default.

To address this issue:

  • Verify that your GA4 tracking code is correctly configured to set the _ga cookie.
  • In BigQuery, use the REGEXP_EXTRACT function to extract user IDs from the user_agent or device_id columns.
  • Apply the extracted user IDs to your BigQuery queries to match the GA4 tracking methodology.

Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Guide

Now that we’ve covered the main reasons for the discrepancy, let’s walk through a step-by-step troubleshooting guide to help you reconcile the total users in BigQuery and GA4.

Step 1: Verify Data Scope and Filtering

-- BigQuery query to verify data scope and filtering
  COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) AS total_users
  _TABLE_SUFFIX = 'my_suffix'
  AND device_category = 'desktop'
  AND country = 'USA';

In this example, we’re using a BigQuery query to count the distinct user IDs, applying filters for device category and country. Verify that your GA4 property has similar filters and scope configured.

Step 2: Check Data Processing and Latency

-- BigQuery query to check data processing and latency
  COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) AS total_users
  DATE_TRUNC(TIMESTAMP '2022-01-01', hour) = TIMESTAMP '2022-01-01 00:00:00';

In this example, we’re using the DATE_TRUNC function to aggregate data by hour, reducing the impact of latency. Verify that your GA4 reports are up-to-date and not experiencing any processing delays.

-- BigQuery query to inspect user identification and cookie-based tracking
  COUNT(DISTINCT REGEXP_EXTRACT(user_agent, r'(?P[a-zA-Z0-9]+)')) AS total_users

In this example, we’re using the REGEXP_EXTRACT function to extract user IDs from the user_agent column. Verify that your GA4 tracking code is correctly configured to set the _ga cookie.


In conclusion, the discrepancy between BigQuery and GA4 total users can be attributed to differences in data processing, scope, filtering, and user identification. By following the troubleshooting guide and applying the recommended solutions, you should be able to reconcile the discrepancy and unlock a more accurate understanding of your users.

Remember to regularly monitor your data and adapt your approach as your analytics requirements evolve. Stay curious, keep exploring, and happy analyzing!

Reason Cause Solution
Data Processing and Latency Different processing times and latency Wait for a few hours, use DATE_TRUNC function, and verify GA4 report updates
Data Scope and Filtering Different data scopes and filtering rules Verify data scope and filtering configurations, apply similar filtering in BigQuery
User Identification and Cookie-Based Tracking Different user identification methods Verify GA4 tracking code, use REGEXP_EXTRACT function to extract user IDs in BigQuery

By understanding the underlying causes of the discrepancy and applying the recommended solutions, you’ll be well on your way to achieving a unified view of your users across BigQuery and GA4.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on why BigQuery and GA4 total users can’t seem to match up!

Why are the total users in BigQuery and GA4 not matching?

There are several reasons why the total users in BigQuery and GA4 might not be matching. One possible reason is that GA4 uses a different tracking mechanism than Universal Analytics, which can lead to differences in user counts. Additionally, BigQuery might be processing data differently, or there could be discrepancies in the data itself. It’s also possible that the data in GA4 is being filtered or sampled, which can affect the total user count.

Is it possible that the difference is due to the way GA4 handles user IDs?

Yes, that’s correct! GA4 uses a new user ID system, which can cause differences in user counts compared to Universal Analytics. GA4 uses a more nuanced approach to user IDs, taking into account factors like cross-device tracking and user data streams. This can lead to a more accurate count of unique users, but it may not match the user count in BigQuery.

Can I use the GA4 API to get a more accurate user count?

Yes, you can use the GA4 API to get a more accurate user count. The GA4 API provides access to the underlying data, allowing you to query the data directly and get a more precise count of users. This can help you reconcile any differences between the user counts in BigQuery and GA4.

How can I ensure data consistency between BigQuery and GA4?

To ensure data consistency between BigQuery and GA4, make sure to carefully review your data pipeline and tracking setup. Verify that the data is being tracked correctly in GA4 and that the data is being properly ingested into BigQuery. Additionally, review your data processing and analysis workflows to ensure that they are correct and consistent.

What are some best practices for reconciling user counts between BigQuery and GA4?

Some best practices for reconciling user counts between BigQuery and GA4 include regularly reviewing and auditing your data, using the GA4 API to get a more accurate count, and carefully reviewing your data processing and analysis workflows. Additionally, consider implementing data validation and quality control checks to ensure that the data is accurate and consistent.